Today began a bit earlier than expected as Moose has not yet learned time change correction math. He has been studying diligently, but subtracting an hour from his normal get up time has him stumped. He and I managed to make our way down the street about a quarter of a mile to the Revelstoke greenbelt, which for those of us in Colorado is called a bike path. An inch or so of new snow had arrived overnight, but Moose and I were able to navigate through it without too much difficulty. Being as this was a new place for Moose and I, there was much sniffing to be done and many p-mails to leave along the way. Moose is fairly cautious in new places though and we did not get quite as far down the path as I would have liked before he made us turn around and head home.
M and I decided to have a leisurely morning since we had been in a rush the last couple of days. We both had our normal breakfasts and shortly thereafter I decided to check if there were any leaks in my eyelids. After an hour of rigorous checking, I ascertained there were no leaks in my eyelids. M proceeded to do some sort of work after her breakfast and Moose joined me in checking his eyelids for leaks as well. He too determined that his eyelids had sound seals and did not leak.
After lunch we drove down the road about a mile from the house to a lake called Williamson. We had read there was a trail there and decided to take our snowshoes and try to get a little exercise. As it turns out there is a loop around the lake. We made it about a third of the way round, when we (that is…me) came upon an icy crossing that was hidden beneath some fresh snow. After hearing some cracking noises and then seeing water rushing beneath my feet, we decided it would be prudent to turn around. Luckily Moose decided it was okay to rejoin us at this point as he had taken his own separate tour which involved walking around on the frozen lake and looking at holes where there was open water. For those of you who know Moose, this will not be surprising as he has never been known to lack confidence. We returned safely to the car and made our way back home.
Moose and I were fairly worn out after this excursion, but M decided she should shovel the drive and go for a run, all in order to NOT be tired. The logic escapes me, but I have only one master’s degree.
So all in all an excellent leisurely vacation day. I hope to have more interesting facts to report tomorrow as there is some working with gravity while traveling at a downward angle over frozen particles of water scheduled.