We made it another day! Today’s stage was on the shorter side at 14 miles and most of the climbing was in the first 6 miles.
We left from Nova Guides and headed out on gravel roads for about 2 miles before beginning the day’s big climb.
The hardest part of the climb was near the top where one segment of the climb gained a bit over 700 feet in 0.7 miles. It was the steepest climb we have done thus far.

After clearing the top we had a bit of flat followed by a long downhill. Near the end of this downhill trail, about the last mile or so, the trail runs through a creek that is flowing rapidly down the hill.
There is no way to avoid getting wet so one just has to get down the creek section as best one can with frozen wet feet. The cold water was nice for about 2 minutes before feet were frozen and numb.
We finished strong into Red Cliff and were looking forward to getting back to the cabin.
Reporting from said cabin, me.