I had high hopes of having pictures to support my title reference to Will Smith’s song, “Summertime” but all the cars have been moving and not posing for pictures. Since M and I have been here in Europe we have seen more supercars in less than a month than we’d previously seen in our lives. For those that are not familiar with the term, “supercars” generally refers to cars that are really fast, very expensive, and somewhat uncommon. Within the first two weeks of being here we saw a Ferrari club rally and therefore had many Ferraris driving past the apartment for a couple of hours. This got kind of old as I had to keep jumping up off the couch every time I heard a V8 or V12 engine revving as they went by the apartment.
In the last 3 days we have seen 2 Mclaren 720s’s which is currently the fastest car you can buy for less than a million bucks. Throw in all the Porsches and one Lamborghini Aventador, and as M said, “These things are a dime a dozen around here.” Needless to say, for a car person like myself it has been exciting.
Now back to the real world of running in Cham. On Saturday, M and I had another big run. We followed the same beginning as last weekend, but this time we went a different direction once we reached Vallorcine.

M had gotten the information for the new part of this run from the Chamonix trail running group website. To say their description of the run was understated would be a disservice to the word. The website did not mention that part of the run was literally straight up the side of a mountain with mostly climbing up and over rocks.

The site did have a brief mention of chains and cables, but it did not say that the first part of the traverse across the mountain was all chains and cables and railings attached to the side of cliff faces.

We were rewarded with some cool views of the Emossons Dam and the lake behind it once we made it to the top.

After traversing for a while and seemingly going nowhere, as usual I began to believe that the Loriaz refuge was constantly moving away from us. We had some great views along the way and did eventually find the refuge where we could start descending back towards home.

A little over 8 hours after leaving home, we returned. It was quite the training day and served our purpose for adapting to long days in the mountains.