Yesterday was our first really big run here in France. 20 miles. It was a long and difficult track, but we are becoming more accustomed to the terrain and moved quite smoothly throughout the day.
As usual there were plenty of great views of the mountains and lots of mountain goats. The goats are funny because they stand directly in the trail and watch you to see whether or not you are going to continue coming at them along the trail. When they decide that you are going to continue along the trail towards them, they look exasperated and proceed to drop straight off the side of the trail no matter how steep the drop may be. It is truly amazing to watch them move over the mountains.

We made it to the Brevent lift station, which consists of 3 or so lifts and gondola areas, to find that it was a popular area for parasailing. Parasailing is when a person has a parachute which they harness into and then run off the side of the mountain in order to fly back down to Chamonix. It certainly is the most exciting way to get back down to town! As M and I were descending a trail below the lift area, we could constantly hear and see the parasailers flying above us, all the while hooting and hollering.

Fortunately for M and I, the restaurant at the top of the lift station was open. It was a warm day and by the time we had descended a bit and come back up to the lift area, we were in need of refreshment. We bought a Coke to give us a boost and some bottled water with which to refill our packs. Its amazing how refreshing a Coke can be at the right moment.
We made our way back along the trail encountering many Americans of all things. Its a bit early in the season for this particular animal, but there they were all over the trail. Some appeared to be comfortable on the trail, while some did not and probably should not have been there as they were a danger to themselves and those around them. If the least little obstacle in the trail requires you to yell for your partner to grab your hand and walk you over that obstacle, you should probably stick to sidewalks and not trails on the side of mountains. Ce la vie!

Things you don’t see in America was part of the title of today’s blog because we came across something we have never seen before. Sports Lingerie! Yes its true! We saw a man and his wife hiking up one of the trails wearing all the normal hiking attire. They even had poles and the husband had a backpack. The only thing missing was a shirt for the wife! She was hiking in a lacy green bra. M and I chose to believe she was simply fashion forward and being a trend setter by wearing her lingerie while on a hike. Thus we coined the term, “Sports Lingerie.” Its the next big thing and coming soon to a trail near you! Victoria’s Secret will have stores right next to the trailhead.
I want to see goats if I can.