We have safely made it back to Argentiére! Several people have asked why we came back to the same place. The most obvious reason is that we really enjoy being here. The other reason is that we wanted to go out to eat.
We didn’t find out until the day before we left that our favorite restaurant, Pizzeria Des Moulins, is closed until December 18, so that was rather disappointing. Our second favorite restaurant, Hibou Deli, is open so they will be getting our business frequently.
We are staying across the river and just down the road from where we stayed this summer. Our apartment is quite a bit smaller than where we stayed this summer, but we are only here for a week and should be able to manage. However if I am shorter upon returning home, it will be because all the doorways and ceilings in the place were apparently made for Hobbits. I am constantly ducking in order to not run into door frames and ceilings. Even M has to be careful in the shower as the ceiling has a severe slope.

As one can see from the pictures, we have stuff strewn everywhere. And by we I mean me. There is one small wardrobe where you can hang a few coats and four shelves in the bedroom for placing a few items of clothing. As you can see from the pictures, the entire place is smaller than some bedrooms in the US. Having said all that, it does have basically everything we need.
M has already been to the grocery store numerous times to get our favorite foods. Her favorite bakery is closed at the moment because apparently that is just something they do in France. M has visited the new bakery however and sampled some of their offerings which were satisfactory.
The area immediately around Argentière is snow free at the moment, but the high mountains have lots of new snow.

That is all for now. Hopefully I will come up with more to write about in the next few days.